Topic: Write an essay using plot developments in Macbeth to clearly analyze how the supernatural plays an important role in Macbeth. Analyze the extent in which it motivates Macbeth’s ambition and the consequences that result because of it.
Ambition can either drive one towards success or destruction. Macbeth is the strong, valiant, warrior who brought victory to Scotland . However, his search to acquire more power, took him to his tragic demise. It is amazing how one can allow himself to be destroyed by such a thing (high ambition).
There is no doubt Macbeth was seen as a brave man by all of his peers, including King Duncan. This is why King Duncan proclaimed, “What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won,” (1.2.70). He risked everything he had to protect Scotland from Norway . Many would have think that after such accomplishment Macbeth would have been more than satisfied with his now new position. However, that was not the case, because Macbeth clearly realizes that his ambitions are too great. That is about to make him do something that he knows is wrong yet he believes there is nothing that can stop him from committing such murder, having to kill King Duncan in able for him to become more powerful, invisible, and harmless. Macbeth has second thoughts about his intent: “We will proceed no further in this business: He honored me of late, and I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people.”(1.7.32-34) but, through the persuasion of being influenced by unnatural things such as the three witches who’s prophecies come to be true, motivated Macbeth’s ambitions to become higher.
After such murder, Macbeth later orders the killing of other individuals. He feels he needs to commit. His ambition is blinding him of his wrong actions. It is clear he headed on a path towards disaster. Macbeth’s actions in the play caused him to lose control of himself, meaning he had no conscious between reality and fantasy: “Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake Thy glory locks at me.” (1.4.50-51)Shows imaginary fears Macbeth is having. Macbeth’s ambition made him do things that he had no control of. His guilt is making him control over things and slowly he is losing control of reality. And everything for his ambitious and his bad influences, the three witches who played an important role in affecting the actions of Macbeth with their abilities, making him do whatever they desired him to do. They not only use their supernatural powers but also prey on his ambition. Macbeth was at first reasonable enough to keep his ambition on check, however eventually became too strong for him and over powered him. This sadly led him to the way of destruction. It is more than clear that his enormously ambition and influences made him do UN thoughtful actions.
Macbeth’s obsession with power “I’ll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked,” (5.3.33-34) demonstrates that he was determine to confront anything or anyone that would try to be against him. It was an obsession over power that made him desired for so much. Macbeth’s arrogance convinces him that he cannot be killed.’ Lay on, Macduff; and damn’d be him that first cries ’hold, enough!”(5.8.33-34) Demonstrates that Macbeth’s ambition to become king of Scotland turned him independent and ruthless. Although, this ambition destroyed him before his downfall he faces his end with dignity. His ambition was constantly putting him in a struggle between right and wrong. Letting himself influence by what he thought was good for him is what took him to the determination of his life. Macbeth lost this battle because ambition never wins when it is seek by force or by wrong methods.
Again, Macbeth’s intensified ambition and supernatural powers contributed greatly to his degeneration of character which resulted to his tragic demise. He choosing what was wrong and not for what was right is what took him to the destruction of his life. Showing how one can let themselves, get destroyed by ambition.
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